Ea pale
Pale ke sebaka se bolokehileng seo batho ba ka arolelanang leeto la bona la bophelo bo botle ba kelello.
Re thehile Storyful ka mor'a ho hlokomela tlhokahalo ea sechaba se fanang ka lipale tse amanang le tsona tse pakang hore ha u mong. Haholo-holo linakong tse lekang joalo ka seoa sa morao tjena.
Sethala sa rona sa ho arolelana lipale se ikitlaelletsa ho aha sechaba sa marang-rang bakeng sa batho ka bomong ho thusa ba bang ba loanang le bophelo bo botle ba kelello ka lipale tsa bona.
Ke serapa. Tobetsa mona ho kenya mongolo oa hau 'me u ntlafatse. Ke sebaka se setle seo u ka phetang pale le ho tsebisa basebelisi ba hau hanyane ka uena.
Lebitso la Setho sa Sehlopha
Lebitso la Setho sa Sehlopha
Lebitso la Setho sa Sehlopha
Lebitso la Setho sa Sehlopha
Lebitso la Setho sa Sehlopha
Lebitso la Setho sa Sehlopha
Can you have a dumb story?No, all stories about mental health are important and should be shared. No stories are dumb. This is a safe space to share your story in any medium of your choice!
Can you ban other people?You cannot ban others but do have the ability to report them or delete unwanted comments.
Can I upload a video telling my story?Yes! You can upload a video as your choice of medium! It will be added to the gallery!
How do I find my friends stories?Unless they are not annonymous, for confidentiallity reasons you will not be able to search your friends unless they tell you their account themesevles.