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Tha Storyful na àite sàbhailte airson daoine fa leth an turas slàinte inntinn a cho-roinn.


Chruthaich sinn Sgeulachd às deidh dhuinn tuigsinn gu bheil feum air coimhearsnachd a bheir seachad sgeulachdan ath-ghluasadach a’ dearbhadh nach eil thu nad aonar. Gu sònraichte ann a bhith a’ feuchainn amannan mar an galar lèir-sgaoilte o chionn ghoirid.  


Bidh an àrd-ùrlar roinneadh sgeulachdan againn a’ feuchainn ri coimhearsnachd air-loidhne a thogail dha daoine gus daoine eile a tha a’ strì ri slàinte inntinn a chuideachadh tro na sgeulachdan aca fhèin. 

Storyful Logo_edited.jpg


'S e paragraf a th' annam. Cliog an seo gus an teacsa agad fhèin a chur ris agus a dheasachadh. Tha mi na dheagh àite dhut airson sgeulachd innse agus innse don luchd-cleachdaidh agad beagan a bharrachd mu do dheidhinn.

Ainm Ball Sgioba

Ainm Ball Sgioba

Ainm Ball Sgioba

Ainm Ball Sgioba

Ainm Ball Sgioba

Ainm Ball Sgioba

Ceistean Cumanta

  • Can you have a dumb story?
    No, all stories about mental health are important and should be shared. No stories are dumb. This is a safe space to share your story in any medium of your choice!
  • Can you ban other people?
    You cannot ban others but do have the ability to report them or delete unwanted comments.
  • Can I upload a video telling my story?
    Yes! You can upload a video as your choice of medium! It will be added to the gallery!
  • How do I find my friends stories?
    Unless they are not annonymous, for confidentiallity reasons you will not be able to search your friends unless they tell you their account themesevles.
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