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Storyful is in feilige romte foar partikulieren om har reis nei mentale sûnens te dielen.


Wy hawwe Storyful makke nei it realisearjen fan de needsaak foar in mienskip dy't relatearre ferhalen leveret dy't wirklik bewize dat jo net allinich binne. Benammen yn probearjende tiden lykas de resinte pandemy.  


Us platfoarm foar dielen fan ferhaal stribbet nei it bouwen fan in online mienskip foar yndividuen om oaren te helpen dy't wrakselje mei mentale sûnens troch har eigen ferhalen. 

Storyful Logo_edited.jpg


Ik bin in paragraaf. Klik hjir om jo eigen tekst ta te foegjen en my te bewurkjen. Ik bin in geweldich plak foar jo om in ferhaal te fertellen en jo brûkers wat mear oer jo te witten.

Teamlid Namme

Teamlid Namme

Teamlid Namme

Teamlid Namme

Teamlid Namme

Teamlid Namme


  • Can you have a dumb story?
    No, all stories about mental health are important and should be shared. No stories are dumb. This is a safe space to share your story in any medium of your choice!
  • Can you ban other people?
    You cannot ban others but do have the ability to report them or delete unwanted comments.
  • Can I upload a video telling my story?
    Yes! You can upload a video as your choice of medium! It will be added to the gallery!
  • How do I find my friends stories?
    Unless they are not annonymous, for confidentiallity reasons you will not be able to search your friends unless they tell you their account themesevles.
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