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Ipuin handikoa
Storyful norbanakoek beren buruko osasunaren ibilbidea partekatzeko espazio segurua da.
Storyful sortu dugu bakarrik ez zarela frogatzen duten istorioak eskaintzen dituen komunitate baten beharraz jabetu ostean. Batez ere, azken pandemia bezalako garai zailetan.
Gure istorioak partekatzeko plataformak sareko komunitate bat eraikitzen ahalegintzen da gizabanakoentzat osasun mentalarekin borrokan ari diren besteei beren istorioen bidez laguntzeko.
Paragrafo bat naiz. Egin klik hemen zure testua gehitzeko eta ni editatzeko. Istorio bat kontatzeko eta zure erabiltzaileei zutaz apur bat gehiago jakiteko leku paregabea naiz.
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Ohiko galderak
Can you have a dumb story?No, all stories about mental health are important and should be shared. No stories are dumb. This is a safe space to share your story in any medium of your choice!
Can you ban other people?You cannot ban others but do have the ability to report them or delete unwanted comments.
Can I upload a video telling my story?Yes! You can upload a video as your choice of medium! It will be added to the gallery!
How do I find my friends stories?Unless they are not annonymous, for confidentiallity reasons you will not be able to search your friends unless they tell you their account themesevles.
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